Riptide Music CEO Keatly Haldeman exits, launches Web3 music sync licensing platform, Dequency

Riptide Music CEO Keatly Haldeman exits, launches Web3 music sync licensing platform, Dequency

Riptide Music Group CEO and co-founder, Keatly Haldeman, exited the company to launch a new venture called Dequency, a Web3 music synchronization license platform, co-founded by Haldeman, Mark Ross (Acme Innovation CEO), and George Howard (Acme Innovation CIO).

Haldeman explained, "The more I've learned about the principles of Web3, the clearer it's become that blockchain technology has the power to revolutionize the market for music licensing and create more opportunities for artists."

Read more: Riptide Music CEO Keatly Haldeman Exits, Launches Web3 Music Sync Licensing Platform, Dequency (via Music Business Worldwide)

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